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Published: 01/05/2013

What is fair in fair trade

If you have read the "how we started" section of our website you will know the story. It all started from 50 stoles in a back pack and a £1.20 bus fare to the local market in the winter of 2004. I did'nt know what would happen, it was all an experiment, an adventure. I used to turn up at the market with a suitcase and a backpack and just trust to hope. Evidently my trust was well placed. Over the years things snowballed and now we have about 70,000 scarves in stock at the height of the season, or about 700 suitcases! 

All this has been made possible by our partners in India. In fact if it wasn't for them York Scarves probably would not exist. We were lucky.  We stumbled across our suppliers almost by accident, though I guess it was really fate. They were looking for a market and we looking for a supplier. What fascinated and amazed me was the respect and openess we were shown by them, and of course this was reciprocated. This is how we entered into the Fair Trade arena.

Fair Trade is about many things. I guess the very phrase "fair trade" conjurs up all sorts of images. At it's core though is the principal that a buyer will treat his supplier fairly. Alongside this is the principal that the supplier should treat their workers and their enviroment well, and operate in a sustainable manner. Fair trade should be fair all down the line.

A sad fact of life, especially where there is money to be made, is that there are many charlatans trying to jump on the fair trade band wagon. If you really want to buy fair trade products try to stick with suppliers who have accreditation with a governing body, like BAFTS.


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